Our Team

Our team consists of ambitious young people, working remotely due to the worldly circumstances we are currently facing. With this, we have used technology to our advantage and focus on digitalization as our main tool to achieve our set goals and dreams. We are not striving to be one of many, we want to set the example of what it means to be fashion-forward- in every sense of the word.

There is a very small team behind Nynolia. We all strive to build a future-oriented, healthy growing company. We create a brand that can see the future with a clear conscience. We represent sustainable values in all areas. Also within our team and with our partners.

Aesthetics and fashion are our passion. We long to make the world around us a little more beautiful. We have very high standards for ourselves and we pass this on to our customers.

We are inspired by beauty in all its forms. We are fascinated by quality. And from this combination, we draw our creations. This is how the products for Nynolia are created.

Best regards,

Co-Founder and CEO